Number | 21-11 |
Resolution Title | Education and GI Bill Parity |
Resolution Description (Short) | Calls to establish parity with the active forces in the administration, rates, and eligibility standards for GI Bill and other VA education benefits. |
Proposal Type | New |
State/Territory Chapter Submitting (Primary Sponsor) | Hawaii |
Business Case | This Resolution asks Congress to establish parity for National Guard Soldiers and Airmen with the active forces in the administration, rates, and eligibility standards of Post-9/11 GI Bill and other VA education benefits. |
Recommendation | The Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States urges the Congress of the United States to enact legislation to establish parity for National Guard members with the active components in the administration, rates, and eligibility standards of the GI Bill and other education benefits. |
Primary Resolution Category | Education |
Committee Status | 1 |
Date of Committee Recommendation | 08/10/2021 |
Adoption Status | 1 |
Date of Adoption | 08/11/2021 |
Resolution Status | Active |