Resolution TitlePersonnel Pay and Member Benefits
Resolution Description (Short)

Calls to establish parity in compensation for Special Skills and Qualifications of National Guard members consistent with active component special pays, compensation, and benefits.

State/Territory Chapter Submitting (Primary Sponsor)Hawaii
Business Case

This Resolution asks Congress to enact laws establishing parity of compensation for special skills and qualifications of National Guard members consistent with active component special pays, compensation, and benefits by revising USC Title 5 to allow military service performed under USC Title 32 to be treated equally with that performed under USC Title 10.


The Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States recommends to the Congress of the United States legislation in support of enacting laws establishing parity of compensation for special skills and qualifications of National Guard members consistent with active component special pays, compensation, and benefits.

Primary Resolution CategoryCompensation and Benefits
Committee Status1
Date of Committee Recommendation08/10/2021
Adoption Status1
Date of Adoption08/11/2021
Resolution StatusActive