Resolution TitleNational Guard Counterdrug Program
Resolution Description (Short)

Calls to provide Annual Funding to National Guard Counterdrug Programs

State/Territory Chapter Submitting (Primary Sponsor)Hawaii
Business Case

To facilitate more effective planning and execution, this Resolution calls for Congress to provide for increased annual funding to National Guard Counterdrug Program State Plans. The successful partnership between the National Guard and local State and Federal law enforcement inherent in the National Guard Counterdrug Program, a partnership executed under USC Title 32, Chapter 112, facilitates National Guard soldiers and airmen to protect and secure our communities.


The Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States urges the Congress of the United States to enact legislation in support of providing increased annual funding to National Guard Counterdrug Programs.

Primary Resolution CategoryOther
Committee Status1
Date of Committee Recommendation08/10/2021
Adoption Status1
Date of Adoption08/11/2021
Resolution StatusActive