Resolution TitleRetention of Enlistment/Retention Incentives when Accepting T32 AGR or Tech Jobs
Resolution Description (Short)

Calls to allow members who accept T32 AGR/MILTECH positions to retain contracted bonuses and incentives.

Proposal TypeNew
State/Territory Chapter Submitting (Primary Sponsor)South Dakota
Business Case

Incentive contracts vary in wording but typically state that bonuses or other incentives will be forfeited if an individual accepts a T32 AGR or Technician position. This stipulation has created a significant barrier, limiting the pool of applicants for these positions. As a result, many highly qualified individuals who have earned substantial bonuses and incentives are reluctant to pursue these opportunities due to the financial penalties involved.


The Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States urges Congress to allow the retention of incentives when hired into T32 AGR and Technician positions.

Primary Resolution CategoryCompensation and Benefits
Secondary Resolution CategoryPersonnel Policy
Submission Date05/10/2024
Committee Status1
Date of Committee Recommendation08/19/2024
Adoption Status1
Date of Adoption08/21/2024
Resolution StatusActive