Resolution TitleNational Guard and Reserve Spouse Employment Hiring Authority Expansion
Resolution Description (Short)

Urges the expansion of the Military Spouse Hiring Authority to include National Guard and Reserve components.

Proposal TypeNew
State/Territory Chapter Submitting (Primary Sponsor)VT
Business Case

The US Military Spouse Unemployment rate is consistently higher than their non-military counterparts. In rural states like Vermont, many federal employment opportunities are missed due to the current limitations of the Military Spouse Hiring Authority. Expanding this authority would immediately impact this demographic positively, improving military family readiness and retention.


The Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States recommends legislation to expand the Military Spouse Hiring Authority to include National Guard and Reserve components.

Primary Resolution CategoryFamily Support
Submission Date3/4/23
Committee Status1
Date of Committee Recommendation8/15/23
Adoption Status1
Date of Adoption8/16/23
Resolution StatusActive