Submitted By:John Harris

Short Title of the Issue:

Board Members - Fundraising and Corporate Program

Entry Date

September 13, 2014

StatusNew Business

Summary Discussion of the Issue:

Discuss what fundraising efforts can be accomplished by Area Directors and Chairmen. Define the fundraising goals (if any) and tracking methodology for goal accomplishment. 2012 Data on Companies that may be interested in becoming involved with EANGUS and the State Associations:

Past President Lever will attend the DC meeting in February and we will lay out a plan that includes Area Directors to get involved in EANGUS finding new partners.

Submitted By:John Harris

Short Title of the Issue:

Bylaws Committee Tasks

Entry Date

September 13, 2014

StatusNew Business

Summary Discussion of the Issue:

Task Bylaws Committee to explore whether we should create a complete revision of our Bylaws to be presented to the EANGUS membership in 2015 or 2016. Is it necessary, is it easier to tweak what we have, etc?

Submitted By:John Harris

Short Title of the Issue:

Ways and Means Committee Tasks

Entry Date

September 13, 2014

StatusOld Business

Summary Discussion of the Issue:

Conference posters, Advertisers, Corporate Advisory Committee. Other tasks that should be assigned to Ways and Means?

Submitted By:John Harris

Short Title of the Issue:

History Committee Tasks

Entry Date

September 13, 2014

StatusOld Business

Summary Discussion of the Issue:

Founders and Pioneers: We continue to lose those who have been identified as Founders and Pioneers. Should we dedicate funding to have certificates created and mailed to the members or their families letting them know that they have been identified?

Submitted By:John Harris

Short Title of the Issue:

Expense Reporting

Entry Date

September 14, 2014

StatusOld Business

Summary Discussion of the Issue: is easy to use, and FREE. Perhaps we don't need to change from the paper form we are using now, but I would like to discuss it.

Submitted By:John Harris

Short Title of the Issue:


Entry Date

September 18, 2014

StatusOld Business

Summary Discussion of the Issue:

Need $20,000 for new State flags.

Submitted By:Brad Howell

Short Title of the Issue:

Investment portfolio statement

Entry Date

September 20, 2014

StatusOld Business

Summary Discussion of the Issue:

We need to develop and approve an investment portfolio statement. We should have done one when we established the restricted reserve. This will give us guidance on what and how we manage our funds to include operating fund, RR and cash flow. Need to have Board approve the risk threshold and the amount of money to allocate into the new restricted reserve investment account.

Submitted By:Claude Imagna

Short Title of the Issue:

Combined Legislative Workshop with NGAUS

Entry Date

September 21, 2014

StatusOld Business

Summary Discussion of the Issue:

Consider having a Combined workshop with NGAUS this year they have a full staff that we could probably work with and probably save $$$$ possibly hold it at The National Guard Building

Submitted By:John Harris

Short Title of the Issue:

National Conference Websites

Entry Date

September 24, 2014

StatusOld Business

Summary Discussion of the Issue:

States are responsible for welcome night and a few other things. They have to raise money to cover the cost of those events and we need to lay out some ground rules on how to do that so Eangus and the states are not hurting each other in the process (taking an Eangus exhibitor and making them a state corporate member for welcome night, etc.)

Also need to discuss national conference websites that are done outside of the national association so that we are not confusing corporate partners on how to sign up for what.

Submitted By:Stephen Burris

Short Title of the Issue:

Transparency on Financial Reports

Entry Date

September 29, 2014

StatusOld Business

Summary Discussion of the Issue:

Can we not utilize software like Quicken that is more user friendly than plain spreadsheets? The spreadsheets only give bottom line, with no tracking of how the money was allocated. This could help us more accurately produce a budget and make adjustments easier.

Submitted By:Andy Strauss

Short Title of the Issue:

Poster Idea for State support

Entry Date

May 20, 2015

StatusOld Business

Uploaded File (optional)EANGUS_WEB.pdf
Summary Discussion of the Issue:

The attached poster is hopefully going to be put in every Armory in California.

Submitted By:Treasurer Brad Howell

Short Title of the Issue:

Investment Planning Guide

Entry Date

June 3, 2015

StatusOld Business

Uploaded File (optional)IPG-Final-13-APR-2015.doc
Summary Discussion of the Issue:

Investment Planning guide was submitted to the FC and EC during the APR WEBEX for approval but discussion was tabled.

Submitted By:John Harris

Short Title of the Issue:

Area Funds

Entry Date

December 28, 2015

StatusNew Business

Summary Discussion of the Issue:

We are looking into exhibitor space in the Area Hospitality areas for the NOLA Conference. I would like to begin a discussion on how to organize the effort so that each Area is able to get some income from each National Conference. The funds can be stored with the Areas, or perhaps we can store and track the funds with EANGUS and the money can be reported in the Area reports. The problem with having an Area account is that the account either belongs to an individual in the area or with a State in the Area. Technically the Areas are not an entity that can get an account on their own like a State association or an individual citizen. Funds can be split between areas for common exhibitors in the hospitality hallway, or the areas can go get booths on their own and keep 100% of what they bring in....or both.

Submitted By:John Harris

Short Title of the Issue:

EC Meeting in conjunction with the Site Visit in May, 2016

Entry Date

December 29, 2015

StatusNew Business

Summary Discussion of the Issue:

Checked with LANG and the EC will meet on the 17th and 18th on the facilities of Jackson Barracks. Board Members (to include Finance Committee) should arrive on the 16th. Special arrangements can be made as necessary, just call the EANGUS President at 504-388-5423. Lodging arrangements will be the night of 16 May and 17 May at Jackson Barracks. The nights of 18 May and 19 May will be at the Hilton Riverside so that the EC can participate in the Site Visit and associated events without having to move locations in the middle of that. We need to get all questions out during the February meeting and we can make travel and lodging arrangements at that time as well. I already have rooms set aside for us.

Submitted By:John Harris

Short Title of the Issue:

Committee on Nominations SOP Discussion

Entry Date

January 10, 2018

StatusNew Business

Summary Discussion of the Issue:

The Committee on Nominations is chaired by the Past President under the bylaws, but the SOP says “consists of a chairperson, the immediate past president, and on member from each area….” It sounds like SOP is saying that there is a chairman and then there is also the Past President. I would suggest the SOP just reference the bylaws rather than typing out who is on the committee.

I recommend changing item 4 to read:

The Committee on Nominations make up will be in accordance with the EANGUS Bylaws and will serve during an annual or special conference, until discharged by the Conference.

Also, there is no such event under the current Bylaws called a General Conference. There are Annual Conferences and Special Conferences, but no General Conference.

Lastly, we put a provision in the new Bylaws that allow an election to take place during the Mid Winter Area Caucuses. I don’t think that the Committee on Nominations exists during a Mid-Winter Area Caucus if they are having to do elections, but perhaps there should be some mention on what rules need to be followed during the Area Caucuses to ensure that elections are done correctly there too? In other words, I doubt the Past President is going to show up at every Mid-Winter that has an election (it doesn’t happen often to begin with, but….), so there should be some “go-by” set of rules for Area Caucuses to follow and the SOP is as good a place as any.

Submitted By:John Harris

Short Title of the Issue:

USAA Affinity Agreement

Entry Date

January 10, 2018

StatusNew Business

Uploaded File (optional)USAA-Affinity-Agreement.pdf
Summary Discussion of the Issue:

This may be solved by the time you get to the EC meeting, but for discussion purposes:

Here is my suggestion(s) on the language that will allow us to exclude certain Life Insurance Providers from the Affinity Exclusivity Agreement that that we currently signed with USAA:

Option 1 – Allow current Underwriters of SSLI only: USAA recognizes that State Sponsored Life Insurance Programs, and such Group Term programs exist in every chartered Association under EANGUS. Further, USAA recognizes that EANGUS needs to have a relationship with the providers of such programs, and to that end, USAA will allow EANGUS to accept Corporate Partnerships, Sponsorships, and Donations from Life Insurance Providers who currently underwrite such State Sponsored Life Insurance programs.

Option 2 – Allow any Group Term provider and current Underwriters of SSLI: USAA does not provide Group Term Life Insurance Products and therefore does not have exclusivity over such products. EANGUS is able to accept Corporate Partnerships, Sponsorships, and Donations from Life Insurance Companies that provide Group Term Life Insurance Products. If USAA offers a Group Term Life Insurance Product in the future, USAA would then be the exclusive provider of such products under the current agreement. Exempt from this provision would be those providers who are underwriters of any State Sponsored Life Insurance Program. EANGUS needs to have a relationship with the providers of such programs, and to that end, USAA will allow EANGUS to accept Corporate Partnerships, Sponsorships, and Donations from Life Insurance Providers who currently underwrite such State Sponsored Life Insurance programs.

Option 3: Allow any Group Term provider and current Underwriters of SSLI, even if they also offer Individual Life Insurance: EANGUS agrees that Individual Life Insurance is a product that is exclusive to USAA under the current agreement. EANGUS will be able to accept Partnerships, Sponsorships, or Donations from companies that offer products that are not exclusive to the USAA agreement, even if that company provides Individual Life Insurance Products. EANGUS cannot mention or provide access to company information regarding any product that exclusive to USAA under the agreement. EANGUS may engage with providers of Group Term Life Insurance Products up to and until USAA offers such products. Exempt from this provision would be those providers who are underwriters of any State Sponsored Life Insurance Program. EANGUS needs to have a relationship with the providers of such programs, and to that end, USAA will allow EANGUS to accept Corporate Partnerships, Sponsorships, and Donations from Life Insurance Providers who currently underwrite such State Sponsored Life Insurance programs.

Submitted By:John

Short Title of the Issue:

Recommended Changes to the current Travel SOP

Entry Date

January 10, 2018

StatusNew Business

Summary Discussion of the Issue:

I would like to suggest the below changes to the Travel and Expense SOP for the Board’s consideration. I don’t have the word document version of the SOP, so the suggestions are below:

My basis is that for a Board Member to conduct the business of EANGUS, they should be eligible for reimbursement up to the sum of all the costs associated with flying on a commercial aircraft, assuming that flying is the cheapest mode of travel for EANGUS. For example:
• Airfare round trip between the departure airport that is reasonably close to the members home of record, and the EANGUS event location.
• Vehicle transportation (hired vehicle) costs, if any, from arrival airport to EANGUS Event hotel
• Vehicle transportation (POV or hired vehicle) costs between the member’s home of record and their closest reasonable departure airport.
• If POV is more advantageous than hired vehicle, then parking costs at airport up to the maximum allowable amount under the SOP.
• Any baggage fees associated with air transportation for the trip.
• Per Diem for 1 days’ worth of travel (except in unique circumstances where more than 1 travel day is required and is more advantageous to EANGUS).
• Tolls required between home of record and closest reasonable airport to member’s home of record.

The decision for alternative POV travel should take into account all costs that would otherwise be required in order to fly to the event, and use that total as the baseline for making determinations on whether a POV mode of travel should be authorized.

While some of the retired or Sr. Enlisted folks on the board may be able to do without claiming some of these expenses (and many of us do), we have to consider the more junior enlisted members on our board or committees, and we should make every effort to ensure that serving EANGUS is as least intrusive to a member’s wallet as possible.

To that end, I would suggest the sentence on page 7 under item 8 be changed from “No POV reimbursement will be made to exceed the cost of a round-trip airfare.” to “POV reimbursement will not exceed the total cost required and associated with travel by commercial aircraft, to include the following:

• Airfare round trip between the departure airport that is reasonably close to the members home of record, and the EANGUS event location.
• Vehicle transportation (hired vehicle) costs, if any, from arrival airport to EANGUS Event hotel
• Vehicle transportation (POV or hired vehicle) costs between the member’s home of record and their closest reasonable departure airport.
• If POV is more advantageous than hired vehicle, then parking costs at airport up to the maximum allowable amount under the SOP.
• Any baggage fees associated with air transportation for the trip.
• Per Diem for 1 days’ worth of travel (except in unique circumstances where more than 1 travel day is required and is more advantageous to EANGUS).
• Tolls required between home of record and closest reasonable airport to member’s home of record.”

I am not hard set on the wording of the above bullets, however, consider the below scenario:

Member lives 50 miles from the closest reasonable airport. That is at least $55.00 total.
Member incurs baggage fee of $25.00 or more each way. That is at least $50.00 total.
Member parks at airport for a week long EANGUS event. That is at least $75.00 total (if it costs too much, then insert taxi costs here).
Member pays tolls in order to travel to closest airport. That is potentially $10.00 total.

What I am getting at is that if EANGUS agrees that all of these costs are authorized in order for the member to fly, then these costs should be taken into consideration when deciding if it is better for EANGUS to have the member drive their own vehicle. The difference could potentially be a couple hundred dollars that the member would wind up incurring, that are in reality, an EANGUS obligation or expense anyway if they flew. I am not trying to get folks anything above what is already a normal expense associated with flying commercial airlines. I just think that basing POV reimbursement on airfare cost only, and not include all the other reasonable expenses associated with that air travel, places the expense burden on the board members who are already donating and volunteering their time to serve.

Having said all of that, I, personally, don’t request reimbursement for much of this when I drive POV. For example, I don’t claim per diem or mileage to and from my home and the airport, tolls, etc., but I would not begrudge reimbursement to someone that does not have the ability to serve while at the same time incur these EANGUS travel costs out of their own pocket.

This is just a request for the Board to consider. If the board feels that airline ticket only is the best thing for the organization, that is fine too.

Submitted By:John Harris

Short Title of the Issue:

Update Commmittee on Resolutions Chair

Entry Date

January 12, 2018

StatusNew Business

Summary Discussion of the Issue:

Judy Perkins has expressed interest in serving as the Resolutions Chair. I have discussed this with Jeannine Mannarino and Jeannine would like to serve as the Vice-Chair.

Would like to have the Board consider these changes at the next EC Meeting.

Submitted By:Joan Gardiner

Short Title of the Issue:

Making Education Possible (MEP) Proposal

Entry Date

January 23, 2018

StatusNew Business

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Summary Discussion of the Issue:

For consideration of the Board to approve/deny a new revenue share from Making Education Possible (MEP)'s discounted programs.

Submitted By:John Harris

Short Title of the Issue:

Patriot's Scholarship Fund

Entry Date

January 28, 2018

StatusNew Business

Summary Discussion of the Issue:

We have donor(s) that are ready to provide cash funds for Scholarship. Option 1 is to add it to the Virgil Williams Scholarship Funds and continue that scholarship program as normal.

Option 2 could be create another fund (for example the Patriot's Scholarship Fund) and have donors for that, similar to the way that NGAUS has their Legion de Lafayette. The application for those scholarships could be the same and the Scholarship amounts could be the same as Virgil Williams program. The difference is that perhaps we would get more funds this way than under Virgil's named Scholarship. I'm fine either way.

If this becomes a new thing, we could add special seating at banquet and perhaps other benefits for the donors. First question for the group is: "Is there support from the EC to create another Scholarship Fund and move towards a Legion de Lafayette type of mechanism?" If such a motion were to pass, then we can move forward with program specifics. But we need to first determine if we want a "competitor" to the Virgil Williams program.

Submitted By:Frank Yoakum

Short Title of the Issue:

1Q 2019 EC Meeting

Entry Date

February 26, 2018

StatusNew Business

Summary Discussion of the Issue:

After evaluating the past two years of conducting legislative workshops, we feel it will be more advantageous to move the workshop back to early March timeframe.

The President’s budget goes to Congress on the first week in February if it is submitted on time. It then takes a few weeks for Congress to digest the submission, and then the hearings begin between Congress and DOD to explore the budget submission and all of the policy changes being suggested.

The NDAA begins to take shape in March. Holding the workshop in February is too early to influence the legislation. March is ideal but February is too early.

In March, Congress is starting to seek out associational feedback on budget and policy issues submitted by the Executive Branch, and the personal vignettes from workshop participants will help shape that policy.

March may or may not be a good time for the EC to meet. The 4Q 2018 meeting will be held in either late October or early November. The 2Q 2019 meeting is usually at or near the site visit dates in May.

Maybe the EC will still want to meet in February in a location TBD. Maybe the EC will want to meet in March just prior to the workshop. Maybe the EC will decide to meet virtually for 1Q 2019. Your choice.

Submitted By:Frank Yoakum

Short Title of the Issue:

Invites to National Conference

Entry Date

March 13, 2018

StatusNew Business

Summary Discussion of the Issue:

I need input on who to invite as guest speakers or break out speakers for the National Conference, besides the NGB/ARNG/ANG leadership. What is the theme of the conference? Who would you like to hear as keynote speakers? What subjects should be covered in breakout sessions? Who should moderate those breakout sessions?

Submitted By:John Harris

Short Title of the Issue:

Increase in FCEF Scholarship

Entry Date

April 18, 2018

StatusNew Business

Uploaded File (optional)FCEF-MOU.pdf
Summary Discussion of the Issue:

First Command increased their scholarship amount. Their offering is laid out in this MOU.

Submitted By:Stephen Burris - Website Committee Chair

Short Title of the Issue:

LANGEA Hosting

Entry Date

May 6, 2018

StatusNew Business

Summary Discussion of the Issue:

I have serious concerns about the EANGUS website main host being LANGEA and EANGUS and all other sites being subordinate to them. The heirarchy of the system cann allow for LANGEA to take complete control of the EANGUS domain and and any of the other sites, subsequently they could shut down the entire system. As the National Organization, responsible to all of the other sites, I believe this needs to be corrected. I have spoken to the President and I believe he is getting a quote to make this switch, but it will come with some downtime as the transisiton occurs, but I do not believe we should wait any longer. My request is that a motion to move the EANGUS site and make it the primary for all of the sites be accomplished as soon as possible. I do not have a dollar amount yet, but I don't think this really matters, in my mind this is a MUST DO. We have been doing well with the investments, we just need to boost our revenue from our previous years partners, so if we have to take money from one place to make this happen, then I do not see an option but to take the money.

Submitted By:Frank Yoakum

Short Title of the Issue:

Review Strategic SOP

Entry Date

July 16, 2018

StatusNew Business

Uploaded File (optional)Strategic-Plan-June-2018.docx
Summary Discussion of the Issue:

I've rewritten the Strategic SOP and want to get it in front of the EC for review and possible approval.